All posts by John Goerzen

Non-Creepy Technology Purchasing & Gifting Guides

This time of year, a lot of people are thinking of buying gadgets and phones as gifts. But there are a lot of tech companies that have unethical practices, from terrible working conditions in their factories to spying on their users. Here are some buying guides to help you find gadgets that are fun – and not creepy.

The Free Software Foundation’s Ethical Tech Giving Guide is a fantastic resource from what’s probably the pickiest organization out there when it comes to tech. Not only do they highlight good devices, they also explain why and why you should, for instance, avoid the iPhone (their history of silencing political activists and spying on users).

The FSF also has a Guide to DRM-Free Living talks about books, video, audio, and software that respects your freedom by letting you make your own backups, move it to other devices, and continue to use your purchases even if you have no Internet or the company you bought them from goes bankrupt. This is a fantastic and HUGE resource; there are hundreds of organizations out there that provide content in a way that respects your rights — and many of them do it for free, legally, as well.

PrivacyTools has a fantastic series of guides on everything from email providers to operating systems, as well as links to a number of other guides.

The DeGoogle wiki on Reddit (as well as the sidebar) has a lot of fantastic alternatives to things like Chromebooks, Chrome, Gmail, etc.

Related resources

Here are some resources for education (what the issues are) and information about what companies and products to avoid.

In addition to the FSF’s other fantastic resources above, they also have a list of proprietary malware. It lists things, practices, and companies to avoid, and talks about the reasons why. Their addictions page is particularly good and relevant to my recent post on the problems of the attention economy.

The Surveillance Self-Defense site from the Electronic Frontier Foundation is a fantastic introduction into how corporate surveillance works and how to defend against it.

Use with a grain of salt:

Mozilla, the people behind Firefox, have a site called Privacy Not Included that rates products by how “creepy” they are. They focus more narrowly on privacy than the more expansive set of freedoms the FSF considers (privacy is one of a number of things the FSF looks at), and in some cases I would say Mozilla is too generous (eg, with the Amazon Kindle, a number of their data points are just incorrect.)

How To Join the Fediverse and Cast Off the Attention Economy

Note: this page is also available on my webiste, where it will be periodically updated.

In a recent post, I wrote about how the attention economy in use at big social networks hurts you.

In this post, I’m going to suggest what to do about it.

Mastodon and the Fediverse

When you use email, you can send a message from an account at Google to one at Yahoo, Microsoft, or any of millions of businesses and organizations running their own mail server. Unlike, say, Facebook, email isn’t a single service, but rather a whole bunch of independent systems that can communicate (or federate) with each other.

The Fediverse is similar, and the most advanced Fediverse client is Mastodon.


  • Lets you easily migrate your account from one Mastodon instance to another, similar to how you can migrate a phone number from one carrier to another
  • Lets you communicate with users across the Fediverse (other Mastodon instances, and those running other software too)
  • Supports very high-quality conversations through sensible moderation controls

It’s easy to get started! Head over to and click “Get Started”. Pick a community — don’t worry, this isn’t a hugely consequential decision, as you can always move or change later. You can browse activity from across the Fediverse, or just on your local community, so if you find a community with similar interests, it can be a neat way to find others to follow.

If you’re looking for more details, has a nice guide.

Defeating the Attention Economy

So, why does Mastodon make a difference?

First of all, you get to pick your host (and even software). With Twitter, you pretty much are using Twitter (yes, I know of things like Hootsuite, but for the vast majority of people, it’s only). With Mastodon, you have choice. Pick the host that runs the software and has the kind of moderation you like.

Secondly, Mastodon is not for profit. There is no money to be made in keeping you on the site. Almost all Mastodon instances are ad-free. And Mastodon’s completely open protocols make it easy to go elsewhere if you like.

It’s Not Just Mastodon!

There are plenty of other programs in the Fediverse. And, this is really key, they all interact with each other. You can share photos in Pixelfed (sort of like a federated Instagram) and see them and comment in Mastodon! Some things to point out:

And there are many others.

This blog, for instance, runs WordPress and uses an ActivityPub connector; comments from the Fediverse integrate here.

Find me in the Fediverse

You can look me up: just type in @jgoerzen in the search box of any Mastodon instance and click Follow. You can also follow this blog at @jgoerzen.

How the Attention Economy Hurts You via Social Media Sites like Facebook

Note: This post is also available on my website, where it will be periodically updated.

There is a whole science to manipulating our attention. And because there is a lot of money to be made by doing this well, it means we all encounter attempts to manipulate what we pay attention to each day. What is this, and how is it harmful? This post will be the first on a series on the topic.

Why is attention so important?

When people use Facebook, they use it for free. Facebook generally doesn’t even try to sell them anything, yet has billions in revenues. What, then, is Facebook’s product?

Well, really, it’s you. Or, more specifically, your attention. Facebook sells your attention to advertisers. Everything they do is in service to that. They want you to spend more time on the site so they can show you more ads.

(I should say here that I’m using Facebook as an example, but this applies to other social media companies too.)

Seeking to maximize attention

So if your attention is so important to their profit, it follows naturally that they would seek ways to get people to spend more time on their site. And they do. They track all sorts of metrics, including “engagement” (if you click “like”, comment, share, or otherwise interact with content). They know which sorts of things are likely to capture your (and I mean you in specific!) attention and show you that. Your neighbor may have different interests and Facebook judges different things are likely to capture their attention.

Manipulating your attention

Attention turning into money isn’t unique for social media. In fact, in the article If It Bleeds, It Leads: Understanding Fear-Based Media, Psychology Today writes:

In previous decades, the journalistic mission was to report the news as it actually happened, with fairness, balance, and integrity. However, capitalistic motives associated with journalism have forced much of today’s television news to look to the spectacular, the stirring, and the controversial as news stories. It’s no longer a race to break the story first or get the facts right. Instead, it’s to acquire good ratings in order to get advertisers, so that profits soar.

News programming uses a hierarchy of if it bleeds, it leads. Fear-based news programming has two aims. The first is to grab the viewer’s attention. In the news media, this is called the teaser. The second aim is to persuade the viewer that the solution for reducing the identified fear will be in the news story. If a teaser asks, “What’s in your tap water that YOU need to know about?” a viewer will likely tune in to get the up-to-date information to ensure safety.

You’ve probably seen fear-based messages a lot on Facebook. They will highlight messages to liberals about being afraid of what Trump is doing, and to conservatives about being afraid of what Biden is doing. They may or may not even intentionally be doing this; it is their algorithm predicts that those would maximize time and engagement for certain people, so that’s what they see.

Fear leads to controversy

It’s not just fear, though. Social media also loves controversy. There’s nothing that makes people really want to stay on Facebook like anger. See something controversial and you’ll see hundreds or thousands of people are there arguing about it — and in the process, giving Facebook their attention. A quick Internet search will show you numerous articles on how marketing companes can leverage controvery to get attention and engagement with their campaigns.

Consequences of maximizing fear and controversy

What does it mean to society at large — and to you personally — that large companies make a lot of money by maximizing fear and controversy?

The most obvious way is it leads to less common ground. If the posts and reactions that show common ground are never seen because they don’t drive engagement, it poisons the well; left and right hate each other with ever more vigor — a profitable outcome to Facebook, but a poisonous one to all of us.

I have had several friendships lost because I — a liberal in agreement with these friends on political matters — still talk to Trump voters. On the other side, we’ve seen people storm the Michigan statehouse with weapons. How did that level of disagreement — and even fear behind it — get so firmly embedded in our society? Surely the fact that social media shows us things designed to stimulate fear and anger must play a role.

What does it do to our ability to have empathy for, and understand, others? The Facebook groups I’ve been in for like-minded people have largely been flooded with memes calling the President “rump” and other things clearly designed to make people angry or fearful. It’s a worthless experience, and not just that, but it’s a harmful experience.

When our major media — TV and social networks — all are optimizing for fear, anger, and controvesry, we have a society beholden to fear, anger, and controvesy.

In my next installment, I’m going to talk about what to do about this, including the decentralized social networks of the Fediverse that are specifically designed to put you back in charge of your attention.

Update 2020-12-16: There are two followup articles for this: how to join the Fediverse and non-creepy technology purchasing and gifting guides. The latter references the FSF’s page on software manipulation towards addiction, which is particularly relevant to this topic.

Thanksgiving in 2020

With COVID-19, Thanksgiving is a little different this year.

The kids enjoyed doing a little sightseeing by air – in our own plane (all socially-distanced of course!). We built a Prusa 3D printer from a kit (the boys and I, though Martha checked in periodically too). It arrived earlier than expected so that kept us busy for several days. And, of course, there was the Christmas decorating and Zoom church (where only our family is in the building, hosting the service for everyone).

What, so Thanksgiving doesn’t normally involve assembling printers, sightseeing from the sky, and printing tiny cups and dishes for miniature houses on a 3D printer?

I’ll be glad when COVID is over. Meantime, we have some memories to treasure too.

In Which COVID-19 Misinformation Leads To A Bunch of Graphs Made With Rust

A funny — and by funny, I mean sad — thing has happened. Recently the Kansas Department of Health and Environment (KDHE) has been analyzing data from the patchwork implementation of mask requirements in Kansas. They came to a conclusion that shouldn’t be surprising to anyone: masks help. They published a chart showing this. A right-wing propaganda publication got ahold of this, and claimed the numbers were “doctored” because there were two-different Y-axes.

I set about to analyze the data myself from public sources, and produced graphs of various kinds using a single Y-axis and supporting the idea that the graphs were not, in fact, doctored. Here’s one graph that’s showing that:

In order to do that, I had imported COVID-19 data from various public sources. Many states in the US are large enough to have significant variation in COVID-19 conditions, and many of the source people look at don’t show county-level data over time. I wanted to do that.

Eventually, I wrote covid19db, which ingests data from a number of public sources and generates a SQLite database file. Using Github Actions, this file is automatically updated every morning and available for download. Or, you can download the code and generate a database yourself locally.

Then, I wrote covid19ks, which generates various pretty graphs covering the data. These graphs, incidentally, turn out to highlight just how poorly the United States is doing compared to the rest of the industrialized world.

I hope that these resources, and especially covid19db, might be useful to others that would like to analyze the data. The code isn’t the prettiest since it was done in a hurry, but I think that functionally this is useful.

COVID-19 is serious for all ages. Treat it like WWII

Today I’d like to post a few updates about COVID-19 which I have gathered from credible sources, as well as some advice also gathered from credible sources.


  1. Coronavirus causes health impacts requiring hospitalization in a significant percentage of all adult age groups.
  2. Coronavirus also can cause no symptoms at all in many, especially children.
  3. Be serious about social distancing.

COVID-19 is serious for young adults too

According to this report based on a CDC analysis, between 14% and 20% of people aged 20 to 44 require hospitalization due to COVID-19. That’s enough to be taken seriously. See also this CNN story.

Act as if you are a carrier because you may be infected and not even know it, even children

Information on this is somewhat preliminary, but it is certainly known that a certain set of cases is asymptomatic. This article discusses manifestations in children, while this summary of a summary (note: not original research) suggests that 17.9% of people may not even know they are infected.

How serious is this? Serious.

This excellent article by Daniel W. Johnson, MD, is a very good read. Among the points it makes:

  • Anyone that says it’s no big deal is wrong.
  • If we treat this like WWI or WWII and everyone does the right things, we will be harmed but OK. If many but not all people do the right things, we’ll be like Italy. If we blow it off, our health care system and life as we know it will be crippled.
  • If we don’t seriously work to flatten the curve, many lives will be needlessly lost


I’m going to just copy Dr. Johnson’s advice here:

  1. You and your kids should stay home. This includes not going to church, not going to the gym, not going anywhere.
  2. Do not travel for enjoyment until this is done. Do not travel for work unless your work truly requires it.
  3. Avoid groups of people. Not just crowds, groups. Just be around your immediate family. I think kids should just play with siblings at this point – no play dates, etc.
  4. When you must leave your home (to get groceries, to go to work), maintain a distance of six feet from people. REALLY stay away from people with a cough or who look sick.
  5. When you do get groceries, etc., buy twice as much as you normally do so that you can go to the store half as often. Use hand sanitizer immediately after your transaction, and immediately after you unload the groceries.

I’m not saying people should not go to work. Just don’t leave the house for anything unnecessary, and if you can work from home, do it.

Everyone on this email, besides Mom and Dad, are at low risk for severe disease if/when they contract COVID-19. While this is great, that is not the main point. When young, well people fail to do social distancing and hygiene, they pick up the virus and transmit it to older people who are at higher risk for critical illness or death. So everyone needs to stay home. Even young people.

Tell every person over 60, and every person with significant medical conditions, to avoid being around people. Please do not have your kids visit their grandparents if you can avoid it. FaceTime them.

Our nation is the strongest one in the world. We have been through other extreme challenges and succeeded many times before. We WILL return to normal life. Please take these measures now to flatten the curve, so that we can avoid catastrophe.

I’d also add that many supermarkets offer delivery or pickup options that allow you to get your groceries without entering the store. Some are also offering to let older people shop an hour before the store opens to the general public. These could help you minimize your exposure.

Other helpful links

Here is a Reddit megathread with state-specific unemployment resources.

Scammers are already trying to prey on people. Here are some important tips to avoid being a victim.

Although there are varying opinions, some are recommending avoiding ibuprofen when treating COVID-19.

Bill Gates had some useful advice. Here’s a summary emphasizing the need for good testing.

It Doesn’t Take Much to Make Someone’s Day

In times like these, it is natural to fear. Viruses, incompetent leadership, economic hardship, even death. But remember this:

When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, “Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.” To this day, especially in times of “disaster,” I remember my mother’s words, and I am always comforted by realizing that there are still so many helpers – so many caring people in this world.

Fred Rogers

This is so true. The examples are everywhere. Here in the United States, our federal government has been weak responding to COVID-19 — but others have stepped up. Institutions big and small across the country are following the science and closing or taking other steps to slow the spread of coronavirus, even in areas it hasn’t yet been detected, because this is the right thing to do. People are helping their neighbors, or giving up their favorite activities to do their part to slow the spread of COVID-19. I work for a company that’s publicly-traded on the NYSE, and it shut down all its offices globally. And kept paying the janitors and other office staff.

Some people are in a vulnerable place today. To them: remember the helpers. There are doctors and nurses, officials, neighbors the care, everywhere.

To those that are able: be a helper. It doesn’t take much to brighten someone’s day. Maybe a phone call or video call. Maybe delivering groceries to a neighbor that’s quarantined. Maybe acts of grace and understanding to the stressed people around you, trying their best to get by in the face of a lack of information and certainty. Maybe giving up some activities you enjoy, in order to help slow the spread of COVID-19, even if you personally aren’t especially vulnerable.

I am reminded of this quote, part of a story about a dying cancer patient:

“Don’t forget that it doesn’t take much to make someone’s day.”

The Fundamental Problem in Python 3

“In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move.”

Douglas Adams

This expands on my recent post The Incredible Disaster of Python 3. I seem to have annoyed the Internet…

Back in the mists of time, Unix was invented. Today the descendants of Unix, whether literal or in spirit, power the majority of the world’s cell phones, most of the most popular sites on the Internet, etc. And among this very popular architecture, there lies something that has made people very angry at times: on a Unix filesystem, 254 bytes are valid in filenames. The two that are not are 0x00 and the slash character. Otherwise, they are valid in virtually any combination (the special entries “.” and “..” being the exception).

This property has led to a whole host of bugs, particularly in shell scripts. A filename with a leading dash might look like a parameter to a tool. Filenames can contain newline characters, space characters, control characters, and so forth; running ls in a directory with maliciously-named files could certainly scramble one’s terminal. These bugs continue to persist, though modern shells offer techniques that — while optional — can be used to avoid most of these classes of bugs.

It should be noted here that not every valid stream of bytes constitutes a stream of bytes that can be decoded as UTF-8. This is a departure from earlier encoding schemes such as iso-8859-1 and cp437; you might get gibberish, but “garbage in, garbage out” was a thing and if your channel was 8-bit clean, your gibberish would survive unmodified.

Unicode brings many advantages, and has rightly become the predominant standard for text encoding. But the previous paragraph highlights one of the challenges, and this challenge, along with some others, are at the heart of the problem with Python 3. That is because, at a fundamental level, Python 3’s notion of a filename is based on a fiction. Not only that, but it tries to introduce strongly-typed strings into what is fundamentally a weakly-typed, dynamic language.

A quick diversion: The Rust Perspective

The Unicode problem is a problematic one, and it may be impossible to deal with it with complete elegance. Many approaches exist; here I will describe Rust’s string-related types, of which there are three for our purposes:

  • The String (and related &str) is used for textual data and contains bytes that are guaranteed to be valid UTF-8 at all times
  • The Vec<u8> (and related [u8]) is a representation of pure binary bytes, of which all 256 possible characters are valid in any combination, whether or not it forms valid UTF-8
  • And the Path, which represents a path name on the system.

The Path uses the underlying operating system’s appropriate data type (here I acknowledge that Windows is very different from POSIX in this regard, though I don’t go into that here). Compile-time errors are generated when these types are mixed without proper safe conversion.

The Python Fiction

Python, in contrast, has only two types; roughly analogous to the String and the Vec<u8> in Rust. Critically, most of the Python standard library treats a filename as a String – that is, a sequence of valid Unicode code points, which is a subset of the valid POSIX filenames.

Do you see what we just did here? We’ve set up another shell-like situation in which filenames that are valid on the system create unexpected behaviors in a language. Only this time, it’s not \n, it’s things like \xF7.

From a POSIX standpoint, the correct action would have been to use the bytes type for filenames; this would mandate proper encode/decode calls by the user, but it would have been quite clear. It should be noted that some of the most core calls in Python, such as open(), do accept both bytes and strings, but this behavior is by no means consistent in the standard library, and some parts of the library that process filenames (for instance, listdir in its most common usage) return strings.

The Plot Thickens

At some point, it was clearly realized that this behavior was leading to a lot of trouble on POSIX systems. Having a listdir() function be unable (in its common usage; see below) to handle certain filenames was clearly not going to work. So Python introduced its surrogate escape. When using surrogate escapes, when attempting to decode a binary byte that is not valid in UTF-8, it is replaced with a multibyte UTF-8 sequence from Unicode code space that is otherwise rarely used. Then, when converted back to a binary sequence, this Unicode code point is converted to the same original byte. However, this is not a systemwide default and in many cases must be specifically requested.

And now you see this is both an ugly kludge and a violation of the promise of what a string is supposed to be in Python 3, since this doesn’t represent a valid Unicode character at all, but rather a token for the notion that “there was a byte here that we couldn’t convert to Unicode.” Now you have a string that the system thinks is Unicode, that looks like Unicode, that you can process as Unicode — substituting, searching, appending, etc — but which is actually at least partially representing things that should rightly be unrepresentable in Unicode.

And, of course, surrogate escapes are not universally used by even the Python standard library either. So we are back to the problem we had in Python 2: what the heck is a string, anyway? It might be all valid Unicode, it might have surrogate escapes in it, it might have been decoded from the wrong locale (because life isn’t perfect), and so forth.

Unicode Realities

The article pragmatic Unicode highlights these facts:

  1. Computers are built on bytes
  2. The world needs more than 256 symbols
  3. You cannot infer the encoding of bytes — you must be told, or have to guess
  4. Sometimes you are told wrong

I have no reason to quibble with this. How, then, does that stack up with this code from Python? (From, distributed as part of Python)

            if flags & 0x800:
                # UTF-8 file names extension
                filename = filename.decode('utf-8')
                # Historical ZIP filename encoding
                filename = filename.decode('cp437')

There is a reason that Python can’t extract a simple ZIP file properly. The snippet above violated the third rule by inferring a cp437 encoding when it shouldn’t. But it’s worse; the combination of factors leads extracall() to essentially convert a single byte from CP437 to a multibyte Unicode code point on extraction, rather than simply faithfully reproducing the bytestream that was the filename. Oh, and it doesn’t use surrogate escapes. Good luck with that one.

It gets even worse

Let’s dissect Python’s disastrous documentation on Unicode filenames.

First, we begin with the premise that there is no filename encoding in POSIX. Filenames are just blobs of bytes. There is no filename encoding!

What about $LANG and friends? They give hints about the environment, languages for interfaces, and terminal encoding. They can often be the best HINT as to how we should render characters and interpret filenames. But they do not subvert the fundamental truth, which is that POSIX filenames do not have to conform to UTF-8.

So, back to the Python documentation. Here are the problems with it:

  • It says that there will be a filesystem encoding if you set LANG or LC_CTYPE, falling back to UTF-8 if not specified. As we have already established, UTF-8 can’t handle POSIX filenames.
  • It gets worse: “The os.listdir() function returns filenames, which raises an issue: should it return the Unicode version of filenames, or should it return bytes containing the encoded versions? os.listdir() can do both”. So we are somewhat tacitly admitting here that str was a poor choice for filenames, but now we try to have it every which way. This is going to end badly.
  • And then there’s this gem: “Note that on most occasions, you should can just stick with using Unicode with these APIs. The bytes APIs should only be used on systems where undecodable file names can be present; that’s pretty much only Unix systems now.” Translation: Our default advice is to pretend the problem doesn’t exist, and will cause your programs to be broken or crash on POSIX.

Am I just living in the past?

This was the most common objection raised to my prior post. “Get over it, the world’s moved on.” Sorry, no. I laid out the case for proper handling of this in my previous post. But let’s assume that your filesystems are all new, with shiny UTF-8 characters. It’s STILL a problem. Why? Because it is likely that an errant or malicious non-UTF-8 sequence will cause a lot of programs to crash or malfunction.

We know how this story goes. All the shell scripts that do the wrong thing when “; rm” is in a filename, for instance. Now, Python is not a shell interpreter, but if you have a program that crashes on a valid filename, you have — at LEAST — a vector for denial of service. Depending on the circumstances, it could turn into more.


  • Some Python 3 code is going to crash or be unable to process certain valid POSIX filenames.
  • Some Python 3 code might use surrogate escapes to handle them.
  • Some Python 3 code — part of Python itself even — just assumes it’s all from cp437 (DOS) and converts it that way.
  • Some people recommend using latin-1 instead of surrogate escapes – even official Python documentation covers this.

The fact is: A Python string is the WRONG data type for a POSIX filename, and so numerous, incompatible kludges have been devised to work around this problem. There is no consensus on which kludge to use, or even whether or not to use one, even within Python itself, let alone the wider community. We are going to continue having these problems as long as Python continues to use a String as the fundamental type of a filename.

Doing the right thing in Python 3 is extremely hard, not obvious, and rarely taught. This is a recipe for a generation of buggy code. Easy things should be easy; hard things should be possible. Opening a file correctly should be easy. Sadly I fear we are in for many years of filename bugs in Python, because this would be hard to fix now.


(For even more fun, consider command line parameters and environment variables! I’m annoyed enough with filenames to leave those alone for now.)

The Incredible Disaster of Python 3

Update 2019-11-22: A successor article to this one dives into some of the underlying complaints.

I have long noted issues with Python 3’s bytes/str separation, which is designed to have a type “bytes” that is a simple list of 8-bit characters, and “str” which is a Unicode string. After apps started using Python 3, I started noticing issues: they couldn’t open filenames that were in ISO-8859-1, gpodder couldn’t download podcasts with 8-bit characters in their title, etc. I have files on my system dating back to well before widespread Unicode support in Linux.

Due to both upstream and Debian deprecation of Python 2, I have been working to port pygopherd to Python 3. I was not looking forward to this task. It turns out that the string/byte types in Python 3 are even more of a disaster than I had at first realized.

Background: POSIX filenames

On POSIX platforms such as Unix, a filename consists of one or more 8-bit bytes, which may be any 8-bit value other than 0x00 or 0x2F (‘/’). So a file named “test\xf7.txt” is perfectly acceptable on a Linux system, and in ISO-8859-1, that filename would contain the division sign ÷. Any language that can’t process valid filenames has serious bugs – and Python is littered with these bugs.

Inconsistencies in Types

Before we get to those bugs, let’s look at this:

>>> "/foo"[0]
>>> "/foo"[0] == '/'
>>> b"/foo"[0]
>>> b"/foo"[0] == '/'     # this will fail anyhow because bytes never equals str
>>> b"/foo"[0] == b'/'
>>> b"/foo"[0] == b'/'[0]

Look at those last two items. With the bytes type, you can’t compare a single element of a list to a single character, even though you still can with a str. I have no explanation for this mysterious behavior, though thankfully the extensive tests I wrote in 2003 for pygopherd did cover it.

Bugs in the standard library

A whole class of bugs arise because parts of the standard library will accept str or bytes for filenames, while other parts accept only str. Here are the particularly egregious examples I ran into.

Python 3’s zipfile module is full of absolutely terrible code. As I reported in Python bug 38861, even a simple zipfile.extractall() fails to faithfully reproduce filenames contained in a ZIP file. Not only that, but there is egregious code like this in

            if flags & 0x800:
                # UTF-8 file names extension
                filename = filename.decode('utf-8')
                # Historical ZIP filename encoding
                filename = filename.decode('cp437')

I can assure you that zip on Unix was not mystically converting filenames from iso-8859-* to cp437 (which was from DOS, and almost unheard-of on Unix). Or how about this gem:

    def _encodeFilenameFlags(self):
            return self.filename.encode('ascii'), self.flag_bits
        except UnicodeEncodeError:
            return self.filename.encode('utf-8'), self.flag_bits | 0x800

This combines to a situation where perfectly valid filenames cannot be processed by the zipfile module, valid filenames are mangled on extraction, and unwanted and incorrect character set conversions are performed. zipfile has no mechanism to access ZIP filenames as bytes.

How about the dbm module? It simply has no way to specify a filename as bytes, and absolutely can’t open a file named “text\x7f”. There is simply no way to make that happen. I reported this in Python bug 38864.

Update 2019-11-20: As is pointed out in the comments, there is a way to encode this byte in a Unicode string in Python, so “absolutely can’t open” was incorrect. However, I strongly suspect that little code uses that approach and it remains a problem.

I should note that a simple open(b"foo\x7f.txt", "w") works. The lowest-level calls are smart enough to handle this, but the ecosystem built atop them is uneven at best. It certainly doesn’t help that things like b"foo" + "/" are runtime crashers.

Larger Consequences of These Issues

I am absolutely convinced that these are not the only two modules distributed with Python itself that are incapable of opening or processing valid files on a Unix system. I fully expect that these issues are littered throughout the library. Nobody appears to be testing for them. Nobody appears to care about them.

It is part of a worrying trend I have been seeing lately of people cutting corners and failing to handle valid things that have been part of the system for years. We are, by example and implementation, teaching programmers that these shortcuts are fine, that it’s fine to use something that is required to be utf-8 to refer to filenames on Linux, etc. A generation of programmers will grow up writing code that is incapable of processing files with perfectly valid names. I am thankful that grep, etc. aren’t written in Python, because if they were, they’d crash all the time.

Here are some other examples:

  • When running “git status” on my IBM3151 terminal connected to Linux, I found it would clear the screen each time. Huh. Apparently git assumes that if you’re using it from a terminal, the terminal supports color, and it doesn’t bother using terminfo; it just sends ANSI sequences assuming that everything uses them. The IBM3151 doesn’t by default. (GNU tools like ls get this right) This is but one egregious example of a whole suite of tools that fail to use the ncurses/terminfo libraries that we’ve had for years to properly abstract these things.
  • A whole suite of tools, including ssh, tmux, and so forth, blindly disable handling of XON/XOFF on the terminal, neglecting the fact that this is actually quite important for some serial lines. Thankfully I can at least wrap things in GNU Screen to get proper XON/XOFF handling.
  • The Linux Keyspan USB serial driver doesn’t even implement XON/XOFF handling at all.

Now, you might make an argument “Well, ISO-8859-* is deprecated. We’ve all moved on to Unicode!” And you would be, of course, wrong. Unix had roughly 30 years of history before xterm supported UTF-8. It would be quite a few more years until UTF-8 reached the status of default for many systems; it wasn’t until Debian etch in 2007 that Debian used utf-8 by default. Files with contents or names in other encoding schemes exist and people find value in old files. “Just rename them all!” you might say. In some situations, that might work, but consider — how many symlinks would it break? How many scripts that refer to things by filenames would it break? The answer is most certainly nonzero. There is no harm in having files laying about the system in other encoding schemes — except to buggy software that can’t cope. And this post doesn’t even concern the content of files, which is a whole additional problem, though thankfully the situation there is generally at least somewhat better.

There are also still plenty of systems that can’t handle multibyte characters (and in various embedded or mainframe contexts, can’t even handle 8-bit characters). Not all terminals support ANSI. It requires only correct thinking (“What is a valid POSIX filename? OK, our datatypes better support that then”) to do the right thing.

Update 1, 2019-11-21: Here is an article dating back to 2014 about the Unicode issues in Python 3, which goes into quite a bit of detail about it. It lays out a compelling case for the issues with its attempt to implement a replacement for cat in python 2 and 3. The Practical Python porting for systems programmers is also relevant and, like me, highlights many of these same issues. Finally, this is not the first time I raised issues; I wrote The Python Unicode Mess more than a year ago. Unfortunately, as I am now working to port a larger codebase, the issues I raised before are more acute, and I have discovered more. At this point, I am extremely unlikely to use Python for any new project due to these issues.

A Mystery of Unix History

I wrote recently about buying a Digital (DEC) vt420 and hooking it up to Linux. Among my observations on the vt420, which apparently were among the most popular to use with Unix systems, are these:

  • DEC keyboards had no Esc key
  • DEC keyboards had no key that could be used as Alt or Meta

The two most popular historic editors on Unix, vi and emacs, both make heavy use of these features (Emacs using Esc when Alt or Meta is unavailable). Some of the later entries in the DEC terminal line, especially the vt510, supported key remapping or alternative keyboards, which can address the Esc issue, but not entirely.

According to the EmacsOnTerminal page and other research, at least the vt100 through the vt420 lacked Esc by default. Ctrl-3 and Ctrl-[ could send the character. However, this is downright terrible for both vi and Emacs (as this is the only way to trigger meta commands in Emacs).

What’s more, it seems almost none of these old serial terminal support hardware flow control, and flow control is an absolute necessity on many. That implies XON/XOFF, which use Ctrl-S and Ctrl-Q — both of which are commonly used in Emacs.

Both vi and Emacs trace their roots back to the 1970s and were widely used in the serial terminal era, running on hardware dominated by DEC and its serial terminals.

So my question is: why would both of these editors be developed in such a way that they are downright inconvenient to use on the hardware on which they most frequently ran?

Update 2019-11-20: It appears that the vt100 did have the Esc key, but it was dropped with the vt220. At least the vt420 and later, and possibly as far back as the vt220, let you map one of a few other keys to be Esc. This still leaves the Ctrl-S mystery in Emacs though.