The Sith arrive at last, courtesy of the British government. (Watch the first 30s)
Monthly Archives: October 2007
A quote
Seen today in #haskell:
<newsham> you see an opening to the north. The light shining through reveals a small booklet near the base of the door. There is a small compiler here.
Review: Terk TV38 Antenna
Last year, as we were planning our move, I knew we would need to buy a new TV antenna. According to AntennaWeb (a very useful site), we are in the violet (or “fat chance”) zone for several TV stations. Add to that the fact that we have a tin-covered building pretty much in the direct path to several of the transmitter. Metal buildings often cause “multipathing”, where a signal bounces off buildings and arrives multiple times at the antenna. This causes ghosting on analog signals and can cause problems getting a signal lock on digital ones. We also have a fairly long run from the antenna to the receiver (a MythTV box) and are wanting to receive digital signals. Not only that, but the TV transmitters are in different areas about 40 degrees apart, and most high-gain antennas are also highly directional. So it’s a difficult situation.
So in our situation, an outdoor antenna is a must. At our old place, we had used the best outdoor antenna Radio Shack sold. Despite having more friendly reception conditions, it didn’t work well.
After a good deal of research, I bought a Terk TV38 outdoor antenna from Amazon. It comes with:
- The antenna, at a large 12.5 feet long, 9.25 feet wide, 2.6 feet high (though packaged in a much smaller carton)
- A 5-foot mast
- Chimney mount
- Wall mount
- Transformer (for direct connection to coax cabling)
- Various mounting hardware
It comes with the hardware you need to mount it in an attic or attach it to an exterior wall or chimney in most situations. However, we wanted to attach it to the roof directly, so we purchased a tripod mount from RadioShack for that purpose. I had also purchased some quad-shield RG6 coax from Cat5ECableGuy.Com.
I assembled the antenna on the ground. That took some time, but wasn’t difficult. But this was in winter, a fairly wet winter, and I knew that weather wouldn’t cooperate well enough for us to get the antenna up on our roof safely some Saturday for a few weeks. So I thought I’d just leave the antenna on the ground for a little while, hook it up, and see if we get anything. I put it on the ground, aimed it about in the middle of the TV transmitters, and went to set up the MythTV.
I was shocked to discover that, even with the antenna on the ground, I got a perfect digital picture on all channels but one. Once we got the antenna mounted on the roof, reception has been perfect. I’ve had no need for actuators (to rotate the antenna) or amplifiers. Just the antenna itself, even with the long coax run, has performed quite well.
For anyone that needs an outdoor antenna, I highly recommend the Terk TV38.
Short-Term Thinking
First Typoblogging Experiment
Young People NOT Delinquent?
Here’s an interesting and probably controversial article. It starts with:
When I hear people my age (35+) rip the younger generation I usually keep my mouth shut. But I have something I need to say, so this is my public response to the people who think there is something wrong with young people today.
Let me tell you what I think about young people:
The kids coming of age right now are the greatest generation, and we don’t give them the respect and freedom we were given and it is shameful.
And it goes on from there.
Also I should point out that George Bush is a baby boomer.
Hey Dell, Can You Hear Me Now?
A couple of years ago, I had an apparent lapse of judgement and bought a 21″ Dell LCD because it seemed to be a good monitor and a good price. Even after my earlier experiences with Dell.
Last winter, it developed an odd dim area in the shape of an L. It was under warranty.
I made the mistake of contacting Dell support. It probably took 2-3 hours of calling before they agreed to replace it. I’m pretty sure I said each of these things to them at least 5 times:
- No, it does not have an Express Service Tag. It has only a serial number tag, and no, it is not the same format as the Express Service Tag.
- No, my computer doesn’t have an Express Service Tag either. It is not a Dell computer.
- Yes, it is possible to use a Dell monitor with another kind of computer.
- Yes, I did buy the monitor from Dell. Would you like the order number?
- No, hooking it up to another computer doesn’t change it. Do you remember I told you that the area looks green even when the monitor is OFF?
- I was just talking to someone else, who was going to transfer me to some other department, but (hung up on me, sent me to a busy signal, sent me to a menu that accepts no input) instead.
Eventually I spoke to somebody that understood the concept of a serial number and agreed to send me a replacement monitor. I made the mistake of giving them a shipping address for that.
Ever since then, they have sent me stupid catalogs.
that is what I think each week when I get such a catalog.
I have gone to their website to try to get off of these mailings. They have different privacy forms for their different units (home, small business, etc.), and I sent in a removal form for all of them. That didn’t help. I called their customer service department, and after getting the run around yet again, they said they’d take me off right away. That didn’t help either. This was all months ago. They are blatantly violating their stated privacy policy.
Today I got another magazine. Featuring Flamingo Pink inspirons yet again. And a page that says “Raze your standards.” Need I say more?
I will therefore be following the advice of and will file a Prohibitory Order against Dell at my earliest convenience. That’s the first time I’ve been motivated to do that.
And if they don’t honor that, they’ll be hearing from the postal inspectors.
Dell has now become my most despised company ever. Yes, even more than Sprint.
Spineless Democrats
The Democrats ran in 2008 on the platform of ending the Iraq war, and won largely on that platform. Now they are failing to deliver upon it.
It is true that they have a thin majority in the Senate and a not much wider one in the House. It is also true that it takes 60 votes to pass legislation in the Senate, which they don’t have.
But here’s the thing. It takes 60 votes to pass legislation. That means that they can easily defeat any massive Republican war spending bill.
I think they are worried about the Republicans painting them as being against the troops. So what? If the Republicans vote against a Democratic funding bill that provides adequate funds for an orderly withdrawal, aren’t they doing the same? “No” votes on both are votes to prevent the funding from passing.
They easily have the votes to defeat massive Republican spending bills. So why not advance a spending bill like they campaigned for, and watch all the Republicans vote against it? If no funding at all passes, they achieve their objective, just not as cleanly, and the Republicans would be the ones voting against funding. Make the Republicans take some heat for a change, and give them no choice but to compromise.