Daily Archives: March 30, 2006

Sorry for the dupes

It seems that some of my posts are appearing on Planet Debian multiple times, and others not at all. I think the problem is a strange combination between subtle bugs in Planet and Serendipity. The SF bug report for Serendipity is here. I think the workaround should fix this.

Either that, or Planet is somehow taking offense as the <slash:comments> tag that Serendipity is putting in there.

Sorry about that — hopefully it is fixed now.

Oklahoma Man asks The Register to turn off the Internet

A couple of days ago, I mentioned the Register article about the Tuttle, OK city manager that threatened to call the FBI on a Linux developer because his webhost misconfigured their server.

Now The Register has a great followup. Apprently people all over are justifiably upset at the city manager.

There are also some great reader comments over at The Register.

Also, that city manager has removed his e-mail address from tuttle-ok.gov. But fortunately, we all remember that it’s citymgr@cityoftuttle.org.

Mail Server Comparison

After my mail reader comparison, I’ve been fortunate enough to have a few mail server troubles. So here, to help you with your mail server decisions, is my mail server comparison.

  • Postfix: Your mail can now have the distinction of being deleted by 53 individual subservers
  • Sendmail: Priority treatment if you can write, while holding down your Shift key, an m4 macro to calculate the airspeed velicoty of an unladen swallow. All other messages will be summarily deleted in 6-8 weeks, or whenever the queue daemon catches up, whichever is later
  • Exim: Conveniently marks every message as “unrouteable” to reduce the hassle of making up reasons to bounce mail
  • Courier: Promptly delivers, but then quickly hides, all mail
  • Qmail: Might actually receive mail from DJB. The rest of the world will receive rude, copyrighted bounce messages.
  • Exchange: Storing mail is irrelevant since the server isn’t up often enough to actually receive any. This server is also perfectly secure unless it is running.