Daily Archives: May 23, 2007

Debian Developers 7 Years Ago

Today while looking for something else, I stumbled across a DVD with the “last archive” of my old personal website. On it were a number of photos from the 2000 Annual Linux Conference in Atlanta, and the Debian developers that were there. These were posted in public for several years.

I’ve now posted all of them on flickr, preserving the original captions.

Here’s the obligatory sample:


That’s Joey Hess, using what I think was his Vaio. Most acrobatic keyboardist ever. Probably the only person that could write Perl with one hand comfortably.

What else can you see? The best of show award that Debian won that is now in my basement due to a complicated series of events, the Debian machines that were being shown off at the show, Sean Perry and Manoj, the photo with long-term corrupted caption, and of course, numerous shots of Branden.

I know the size stinks. It was scanned at a web resolution for 2000. I do still have the negatives somewhere and will post the rest of them, in higher res, when I find them.

Click here to view the full set.

Real-World Haskell

Today, Bryan O’Sullivan, Don Stewart, and I are announcing a new book we’re working on with O’Reilly: Real-World Haskell. I’m excited about the book and about working with Bryan and Don on this project.

O’Reilly has agreed to publish this book under a Creative Commons license! We plan to post drafts of chapters incrementally at the book’s website, seeking feedback from readers and reviewers as we go.

Haskell makes a great practical parsing and scripting language, but this aspect of it has been under-documented. I look forward to helping change that!