Daily Archives: July 3, 2003

Online Collaboration Shapes Politics

David Weinberger has an interesting article about the blog for Presidential candidate Howard Dean. Apparently, “Dean’s campaign shows the smart mobs, hive minds, have more benefits, power, energy, vitality and adapability than the single mind of any political advisor.” David goes on to say “they’re viewing the Internet not as a cheap way to reach the masses but as a way to let us talk together.”

Dying Art of Telemarketer Harassment

With the federal do-not-call list getting ready to go live, and many states having already had do-not-call lists on the books, dealing with telemarketers is going to become increasingly rare. Which means that certain people’s lives are going to get a little more boring.

For some reason, telemarketer problems seem to have been top water cooler discussion items for years. I’ve heard a lot of ways people deal with them. But this is definately something new.

New way to find a job: Blogs

It looks like my former employer, Quovix (a great place to work, BTW) decided that they’d try something new and look for applicants by posting a blog entry.

I think the idea is great, especially if the people that read your blog are the same group that you want to hire. Of course, this might not be for everyone — I can imagine whole sectors out there that don’t have people that tend to be into blogging — or even Web surfing, for that matter.