The Incredible Disaster of Python 3

Update 2019-11-22: A successor article to this one dives into some of the underlying complaints.

I have long noted issues with Python 3’s bytes/str separation, which is designed to have a type “bytes” that is a simple list of 8-bit characters, and “str” which is a Unicode string. After apps started using Python 3, I started noticing issues: they couldn’t open filenames that were in ISO-8859-1, gpodder couldn’t download podcasts with 8-bit characters in their title, etc. I have files on my system dating back to well before widespread Unicode support in Linux.

Due to both upstream and Debian deprecation of Python 2, I have been working to port pygopherd to Python 3. I was not looking forward to this task. It turns out that the string/byte types in Python 3 are even more of a disaster than I had at first realized.

Background: POSIX filenames

On POSIX platforms such as Unix, a filename consists of one or more 8-bit bytes, which may be any 8-bit value other than 0x00 or 0x2F (‘/’). So a file named “test\xf7.txt” is perfectly acceptable on a Linux system, and in ISO-8859-1, that filename would contain the division sign ÷. Any language that can’t process valid filenames has serious bugs – and Python is littered with these bugs.

Inconsistencies in Types

Before we get to those bugs, let’s look at this:

>>> "/foo"[0]
>>> "/foo"[0] == '/'
>>> b"/foo"[0]
>>> b"/foo"[0] == '/'     # this will fail anyhow because bytes never equals str
>>> b"/foo"[0] == b'/'
>>> b"/foo"[0] == b'/'[0]

Look at those last two items. With the bytes type, you can’t compare a single element of a list to a single character, even though you still can with a str. I have no explanation for this mysterious behavior, though thankfully the extensive tests I wrote in 2003 for pygopherd did cover it.

Bugs in the standard library

A whole class of bugs arise because parts of the standard library will accept str or bytes for filenames, while other parts accept only str. Here are the particularly egregious examples I ran into.

Python 3’s zipfile module is full of absolutely terrible code. As I reported in Python bug 38861, even a simple zipfile.extractall() fails to faithfully reproduce filenames contained in a ZIP file. Not only that, but there is egregious code like this in

            if flags & 0x800:
                # UTF-8 file names extension
                filename = filename.decode('utf-8')
                # Historical ZIP filename encoding
                filename = filename.decode('cp437')

I can assure you that zip on Unix was not mystically converting filenames from iso-8859-* to cp437 (which was from DOS, and almost unheard-of on Unix). Or how about this gem:

    def _encodeFilenameFlags(self):
            return self.filename.encode('ascii'), self.flag_bits
        except UnicodeEncodeError:
            return self.filename.encode('utf-8'), self.flag_bits | 0x800

This combines to a situation where perfectly valid filenames cannot be processed by the zipfile module, valid filenames are mangled on extraction, and unwanted and incorrect character set conversions are performed. zipfile has no mechanism to access ZIP filenames as bytes.

How about the dbm module? It simply has no way to specify a filename as bytes, and absolutely can’t open a file named “text\x7f”. There is simply no way to make that happen. I reported this in Python bug 38864.

Update 2019-11-20: As is pointed out in the comments, there is a way to encode this byte in a Unicode string in Python, so “absolutely can’t open” was incorrect. However, I strongly suspect that little code uses that approach and it remains a problem.

I should note that a simple open(b"foo\x7f.txt", "w") works. The lowest-level calls are smart enough to handle this, but the ecosystem built atop them is uneven at best. It certainly doesn’t help that things like b"foo" + "/" are runtime crashers.

Larger Consequences of These Issues

I am absolutely convinced that these are not the only two modules distributed with Python itself that are incapable of opening or processing valid files on a Unix system. I fully expect that these issues are littered throughout the library. Nobody appears to be testing for them. Nobody appears to care about them.

It is part of a worrying trend I have been seeing lately of people cutting corners and failing to handle valid things that have been part of the system for years. We are, by example and implementation, teaching programmers that these shortcuts are fine, that it’s fine to use something that is required to be utf-8 to refer to filenames on Linux, etc. A generation of programmers will grow up writing code that is incapable of processing files with perfectly valid names. I am thankful that grep, etc. aren’t written in Python, because if they were, they’d crash all the time.

Here are some other examples:

  • When running “git status” on my IBM3151 terminal connected to Linux, I found it would clear the screen each time. Huh. Apparently git assumes that if you’re using it from a terminal, the terminal supports color, and it doesn’t bother using terminfo; it just sends ANSI sequences assuming that everything uses them. The IBM3151 doesn’t by default. (GNU tools like ls get this right) This is but one egregious example of a whole suite of tools that fail to use the ncurses/terminfo libraries that we’ve had for years to properly abstract these things.
  • A whole suite of tools, including ssh, tmux, and so forth, blindly disable handling of XON/XOFF on the terminal, neglecting the fact that this is actually quite important for some serial lines. Thankfully I can at least wrap things in GNU Screen to get proper XON/XOFF handling.
  • The Linux Keyspan USB serial driver doesn’t even implement XON/XOFF handling at all.

Now, you might make an argument “Well, ISO-8859-* is deprecated. We’ve all moved on to Unicode!” And you would be, of course, wrong. Unix had roughly 30 years of history before xterm supported UTF-8. It would be quite a few more years until UTF-8 reached the status of default for many systems; it wasn’t until Debian etch in 2007 that Debian used utf-8 by default. Files with contents or names in other encoding schemes exist and people find value in old files. “Just rename them all!” you might say. In some situations, that might work, but consider — how many symlinks would it break? How many scripts that refer to things by filenames would it break? The answer is most certainly nonzero. There is no harm in having files laying about the system in other encoding schemes — except to buggy software that can’t cope. And this post doesn’t even concern the content of files, which is a whole additional problem, though thankfully the situation there is generally at least somewhat better.

There are also still plenty of systems that can’t handle multibyte characters (and in various embedded or mainframe contexts, can’t even handle 8-bit characters). Not all terminals support ANSI. It requires only correct thinking (“What is a valid POSIX filename? OK, our datatypes better support that then”) to do the right thing.

Update 1, 2019-11-21: Here is an article dating back to 2014 about the Unicode issues in Python 3, which goes into quite a bit of detail about it. It lays out a compelling case for the issues with its attempt to implement a replacement for cat in python 2 and 3. The Practical Python porting for systems programmers is also relevant and, like me, highlights many of these same issues. Finally, this is not the first time I raised issues; I wrote The Python Unicode Mess more than a year ago. Unfortunately, as I am now working to port a larger codebase, the issues I raised before are more acute, and I have discovered more. At this point, I am extremely unlikely to use Python for any new project due to these issues.

38 thoughts on “The Incredible Disaster of Python 3

  1. The description of Python behavior is technically inaccurate. It’s not quite as naive about arbitrary-byte filenames as described. There’s an explicitly designed way to embed arbitrary byte escapes for filenames in an unicode string type. An example:

    >>> f=open(b”foo\x7f.txt”, “w”)
    >>> f=open(b”foo\xf7.txt”, “w”)
    >>> import os
    >>> os.listdir()
    [‘foo\udcf7.txt’, ‘foo\x7f.txt’]

    Note that the return type of os.listdir() is not bytes but an unicode string. And you can use that unicode string to open the file.

    1. But this only goes so far. Sure, if you’re taking the output from os.listdir() it might work. But we get filenames from all sorts of other sources as well: other files, network requests (as is the case here), etc., which are not going to be encoded in that way. In the case of zipfile, it does not transform filenames using this method and thus the problem persists. I suppose with dbm one could perhaps work that way… But still, I maintain that this is a hack on top of bad design rather than a proper approach.

      Contrast with Rust’s Path type, which is always explicitly clear.

  2. Addition:
    The way to use unicode strings to open an arbitrary filename given as a bytes object with the dbm module:
    >>> file = b”test\xf7″
    >>>‘utf-8’, ‘surrogateescape’)) #works

    1. Let’s demystify it for you then.

      First forget the unicode strings, focus only on the byte strings. They don’t obey the same laws.

      >>> b’/foo’

      The above is a string of bit bytes, i.e. a string of number that may or may not have a corresponding ascii character. The fact that you can input the string using ascii literal characters is only a convenience. What’s important is that you should consider this as nothing other than a string of 8 bit bytes.

      >>> b”

      Another string of 8 bit bytes, which happens to be empty.

      >>> b’/foo'[0:1]

      A string of 8 bit bytes starting at the first byte of some other string of bytes and ending (exclusively) at the second byte.

      >>> b’/foo'[0:1]==b’/’

      The two strings of bytes contain the same bytes.

      >>> b’/'[0]

      The first byte in a string of 8 bit bytes.

      >>> b’/’

      A string of 8 bit bytes that you created with only one ascii literal, but a string of bytes is not a byte and so…

      >>> b’/’==b’/'[0]

      A string of bytes is not a byte.

  3. b”/foo”[0] is a byte (int, for lack of more specific typing)
    b”/” is a byte slice

    That’s why b”/foo”[0:1] == b”/”, but b”/foo[0] != b”/”

    It may be slightly surprising it you’re used to py2’s types, but if you take a step back from what “feels” right purely because of comfort, py3’s behavior turns out to be more consistent (at least in this specific case).

    As for the stdlib, yeah, there’s a lot of sub-optimally maintained code out there, but IMHO it’s been a side effect of the stdlib’s size since well before py3.

    1. I would expect indexing a single element of a list to yield the same element as a slice that contains that single element, yes.

      This seems to happen for strings, but not for bytes.

      That is indeed surprising to me.

      Note: I have never programmed in Python 2. I came to Python 3 from primarily Perl and before that C.

      How is b”/”[0] being 47 and b”/”[0:1] being something different “more consistent”? To me it “feels” like both should be the same thing, a single element of the original list.

      What if I had a list of objects? Would a slice of one element also be different than indexing that same element?

      1. It might help you to think of the `bytes` type as similar to the `tuple` type. If `t = (1, 2, 3)`, then `t[0]` is `1`, an `int`, but `t[0:1]` is `(1,)`, a length-1 tuple. The same would apply to tuples or lists of any objects.

        Strings are weird in that respect because the individual elements of a `str` are length-1 `str` objects – Python does not have a `char` type.

        If you’ve been programming Perl you should be aware that in Perl, `$foo[0]` and `@foo[0]` are completely different beasts even though they look deceptively similar. Python’s foibles take a lot less getting used to than Perl’s.

  4. Incredible how people wait to the very last minute (of a long lasting end-of-life announcement) before they bother looking at the new version (in this special case of Python 3 has been available only so short).
    All these questions could have been raised long before and perhaps have lead to improvement – or to explanations (thanks, uau) how things are meant to be used.
    The incredible disaster of procrastination…

    1. I first wrote about this more than a year ago: This is the REASON I was waiting with porting pygopherd — I was hoping some sanity might arrive to this situation.

      That post highlights the filename issues, but also some other issues — that many answers on Stackoverflow are wrong, the difficulties in handling environment variables. Reviewing some of the links from that post, I see os.fsencode() and os.fsdecode() which look to be perhaps close to the right answers. Unfortunately, these seem to be almost universally ignored; they’re not used in zipfile, not used in most answers to these questions I see, etc.

      So perhaps core Python gives us a workaround for a bad situation. But if this workaround is used rarely by commonly-used libraries — even those included with Python itself — how useful is it?

      The problem with the current design is that it’s **broken by default**. You have to KNOW to do things like surrogateescape or os.fsencode() and almost no code I’ve seen does. Even things like zipfile that are aware of the problem have an incorrect solution.

  5. I’m in the process of helping update a large program from Python 2.7 to Python 3. This is a very unsavoury exercise simply because the people who wrote the code originally had been playing fast and loose with strings vs. binary data, and it is now upon us to clean up this mess.

    On the whole I’m way happier with the way Python 3 does things because there is a clear distinction between strings (as in, sequences of Unicode code points) and sequences of arbitrary bytes, and as a programmer it’s just as well to keep the two separate. I agree that (a) legacy file names are an issue, and (b) bugs in the standard library suck, but all things considered I believe we’re better off with Python 3’s approach.

    1. “On the whole I’m way happier with the way Python 3 does things because there is a clear distinction between strings (as in, sequences of Unicode code points) and sequences of arbitrary bytes”

      And such a distinction existed in Python 1.6 and the entire 2.x series. The most significant difference those versions have to Python 3 is the automatic coercion between these two sequence types that has a tendency to go wrong when plain (byte) strings contain character values outside the ASCII range.

      But contrary to popular misconception – not stated here but annoyingly recurrent on the Web – it was always possible to support Unicode in Python 2 (and 1.6) programs. One might wonder whether Python 2 could have evolved to be more acceptable and less troublesome, but I guess people would not have had so much “fun” rearranging the furniture.

      In turn, evolving Python 2 would have been far less disruptive, and we would not now be seeing opportunistic finger wagging from random freeloaders about “procrastination”, nor be making those with investments in stable and mature software do make-work to keep what they have. Which is what the Debian Python 2 purge ultimately is.

  6. This is a nostalgic article, as underlined in the closing section about XON/XOFF and mainframe-compatible escape sequences.
    The world is moving on, and while historic systems are beautiful (I still have a 2.11 BSD emulator running – or rather runnable – somewhere), at some point you need to weight the breakage for legacy users against the cost of maintenance of the compatibility.

    Indeed, POSIX is still mandating that filenames are arbitrary byte sequences. But it is just becoming impractical, and in the end it’s up to whoever has the motivation to have it working to keep it working, and if there’s not enough people with this motivation it’s just going to inevitably rot.

    It’s likely that 10 years from now, anything non-Unicode will be completely broken on modern (desktop, at least) systems and perhaps Linux even gets an opt-in mount option for enforcing filenames to be utf-8-compatible (which may change to opt-out another 10 years on, just as POSIX is going to evolve too in this regard).

    Yes, it’s a pity and I likely still have some ISO-8859-2 files from 1999 on my filesystem. But I think it’s unreasonable for anyone to waste time with that support. And I wouldn’t advise anyone wasting extra 20 hours of your developer life on building things around ncurses instead of a more direct approach – build a cool feature in that time instead!

  7. Is the assumption that because POSIX supports these types of filenames, zip does too? I don’t think that’s the case.

    I think the Python implementation is adhering to the zip specification.

    From the specification v6.3.6 (Revised: April 26, 2019):

    If general purpose bit 11 is unset, the file name and comment SHOULD conform
    to the original ZIP character encoding. If general purpose bit 11 is set, the
    filename and comment MUST support The Unicode Standard, Version 4.1.0 or
    greater using the character encoding form defined by the UTF-8 storage

    1. I can tell you that the zip(1) on Unix systems has never done re-encoding to cp437; on a system that uses latin-1 (or any other latin-* for that matter) the filenames in the ZIP will be encoded in latin-1. Furthermore, this doesn’t explain the corruption that extractall() causes.

  8. Avoiding #Python – Besides the absurd inconsistencies in and the extreme difficulty verging on the impossibility of properly handling filenames in POSIX (see and ), there is more that makes me shy away. 2/
    The Incredible Disaster of Python 3

  9. @JonYoder It is astonishing to me that #Python still has a Global Interpreter Lock in 2022. Multithreading in Python is mostly a fiction. There are kludges like which use fork, pipes, pickling, and message passing to simulate threads. But there are so many dragons down that path — performance and platform-specific ones (different things can be pickled on Windows vs. Linux) that it is a poor substitute. 3/
    GlobalInterpreterLock – Python Wiki

  10. @JonYoder When I started using #Python more than 20 years ago now, it was an attractive alternative to Perl: like Perl, you don’t have to worry about memory management as with C, but Python code was more maintainable. By now, though, even writing a Unix-style cat command in Python is extraordinarily complicated . All the “foo-like objects” are an interesting abstraction until they break horribly, and the lack of strong types makes it hard to scale code size. 5/
    Everything you did not want to know about Unicode in Python 3

  11. @JonYoder The one place I still see #Python being used is situations where the #REPL is valuable. (Note, #Haskell also has this). #Jupyter is an example of this too. People use #Python for rapid testing of things and interactive prototyping. For a time, when I had date arithmetic problems, I’d open up the Python CLI and write stuff there. Nowadays it’s simpler to just write a Rust program to do it for me, really. 7/

  12. @JonYoder So that leaves me thinking: We’re thinking about #Python wrong these days. Its greatest utility is as a shell, not a language to write large programs in. As a shell, it is decent, especially for scientific work. Like other shells, most of the serious work is farmed out to code not written in Python, but there is utility in having it as a shell anyhow. And like a shell, once your requirements get to a certain point, you reach for something more serious. end/


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