Daily Archives: September 19, 2006

Disk encryption support in Etch

Well, I got my new MacBook Pro 15″ in yesterday. I’ll write something about that shortly. The main OS for this machine is not Mac OS X, though, but Debian.

I decided that, being a laptop, I would like to run dm-crypt on here. Much to my delight, the etch installers support dm-crypt out of the box.

Not only that, but they supported this setup out of the box, too:

  • Two partitions for Debian — one for /boot, everything else on the second one
  • The second partition is completely encrypted
  • Inside the encrypted container is an LVM physical volume
  • Inside the LVM physical volume are logical volumes for /, /home, /usr, /var, and swap
  • XFS is used for each filesystem

Not only that, but it set up proper boot sequence for all of this out of the box, too.

So I turn on the unit, enter the password for the encrypted partition, and then the system continues booting.

Nice. Very nice.

Kudos to the debian-installer and initramfs teams.