Daily Archives: August 13, 2006


I was meaning to write this story two weeks ago, but then the fire happened… So better late than never.

My brother Peter is participating in a ministerial inquiry program this summer. College students can spend a summer as an intern at a church and start to get a real feel for what it’s like to be involved with ministry.

Two weeks ago, Peter gave his first sermon at the church he’s with this summer. He compared the task of a bunch of college guys trying to figure out how to get their bathroom clean to that of figuring out how to spread Jesus’ word. A great (and entertaning!) sermon for sure.

We went back to hear his second sermon today — a more serious, but no less vibrant, one about how Elijah felt that he wasn’t up to the task the Lord had in mind for him. Peter did a great job again, and gave me some things to think about.

Now, since I’ve been going through pictures this weekend, here’s a picture of Peter back when he was 6. Our parents were having drywall installed at the time, and Peter and I found the stilts that the drywall installers were using one evening. We had a lot of fun walking around on them.

Peter is the one on the left with the smile, toy sheriff’s badge, hat, and pen on his shirt. (He still has the smile and pens, but I haven’t seen the badge or hat in awhile.) I’m the one on the right, looking annoyed that I’m not on my preferred side of the camera lens. I really was enjoying myself until then ;-)

Bowling with Grandpa

I’ve been taking photos for a long time. Today I found some pictures I had taken back when I was 11.

My grandpa used to like to take my brother and me bowling. Grandpa was a good bowler and played on a team. I wasn’t a good bowler. But it was fun because it was the two of us and Grandpa, and he’d always take us out to eat afterwards, too.

Here is a picture I took while bowling with Grandpa back in 1991:

It’s fun to look at some of these old pictures. They sure bring back the memories. And sometimes there are worthwhile ones like this in between all the photos of pets and household objects.