Daily Archives: July 8, 2006

Why Is Expensive Software So Crappy?

Today I was listening to Gary McGraw on Frontline Security talking about software security. One of his points was that a large part of security trouble is poor design.

That reminds me how I’ve been meaning to rant a bit about the really terrible security I’ve seen in proprietary software lately. Some of this is very expensive software that people pay lots of money for.

  • World-writable installations. In one case, the documentation for the software directed users to mark the entire program’s directory tree world-writable, including all files and directories within it. In a whole host of additional cases, consultants or support people tasked with installing the software make everything world-writable as a matter of routine. And some of these are programs specifically designed to be used on Unix shell hosts.
  • Overuse of telnet. There’s telnet use everywhere. One program actually telnets to a server to start their own server-side component and then send XML to it. So we have to have an account for the server-side component, put the password in plain text on the client side, and maintain *telnet* for the application. Have we never heard of, say, CGI, people???
  • Overuse of root. Again, I’ve seen this even in documentation — “run everything as root” or “if you have trouble, just run this as root.” I’ve seen installers actually check to see if they’re running as root, and fail if they’re not, even though they have no need for root privileges.

Sigh. Although I’ve seen some poor code out there in the Free Software community, I’ve never seen anything that even approaches this level of insanity.

Why is the most expensive software the least secure? And what can we do about it when the vendor doesn’t care?