Daily Archives: November 19, 2005

What’s The Deal with Amtrak

First off, Dan Zukowski has some very informative articles about Amtrak. It’s particularly funny listening to Mineta say that the Bush administration wants to support Amtrak. After they proposed $0 for it in their most recent budget proposal, saying that bankrupting Amtrak would be a good thing. Hmm. Doublespeek seems to be in vogue these days.

I’ve watched about half of this week’s 4-hour hearing about Amtrak governance. One very interesting thing about it is that the Amtrak board, which fired David Gunn, may not have had a quorom for months, or even years, including the meeting where they fired Gunn.

Secretary of Transportation Mineta, who holds a seat on the Amtrak Board, appears to have never actually attended an Amtrak Board meeting.

I wonder what will come out next about all this…


Why is it that the media always uses “detained” instead of “arrested”, “jailed”, “tortured”, etc? Jordan isn’t delaying terrorists from reaching their destination… they’re putting them in jail. Let’s call it what it is.