Daily Archives: October 18, 2005

Just A Geek

Recently, I bought a copy of Wil Wheaton’s book Just A Geek.

I’ve read one chapter so far. And I have to say: great book.

This has to be one of the most insightful, brutally honest books I’ve ever seen.

It’s also funny. Here’s a little snippet, recalling his first-ever book signing:

… a guy walked over to me, and extended his hand.

“Hi, Wil,” he said, “I’m Tim O’Reilly.”


Before I could scream out, “I KNOW! I KNOW! I KNOW! GREAT GOOGLY MOOGLY!” my brain said, “Stay cool, Wil. Don’t geek out.

I heeded my brain’s advice . . . “It’s really nice to meet you,” I said. . .

Check me out. I totally behaved myself.

Nicely done,” said my brain. “Have some serotonin.

Wil talks a lot about his two inner voices: his totally-honest self, and the voice he calls Prove To Everyone Quitting Star Trek Wasn’t A Bad Idea, or just Prove To Everyone for short.

I think we all have some of Prove To Everyone in us. Especially Americans, and free software hackers, where competition and, well, proving onesself are expected.

It’s time to loosen up a bit.

I’m going to enjoy the rest of this book.

Control Room

Have you ever wondered why so many Arabs hate Americans? Why they view us as occupiers? Why they want to be rid of both Saddam Hussein and us?

We watched Control Room tonight. What a fascinating documentary. There was no narration. Just journalists talking. Arab journalists, American journalists, Pentagon spokesmen. Lots of different viewpoints. Lots of insight.

It was hard to watch at times — they showed footage of how events were covered in different countries, and it was graphic sometimes. They also showed the journalists talking about why they covered things in a certain way.

It was very moving, and thought-provoking.

Sometimes it is useful to have a view from an outsider (to America) or an insider (to the Middle East).