Daily Archives: September 28, 2004

Eight Questions For Republicans

If you claim to be such devout Christians, why do you go to war instead of trusting God to resolve problems in Iraq and elsewhere?

If you claim to follow Jesus, why do you ignore his instructions to love one’s enemies and be peaceful rather than violent?

Since you want to spread democracy throughout the world, why do you support dictatorships in Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, and Kuwait?

Have you forgotten that the United States armed and supported both Saddam Hussein and Ossama bin Laden at a time with their thugish, brutal nature was already known?

Have you forgotten that Ossama bin Laden originally started his terrorism as an attempt to topple a non-democratic government, and only became opposed to the United States when we supported those dictatorships?

Why then do you believe that arming and supporting other regional dictatorships is in the best long-term security interests of the United States?

Why do you believe that spending billions of dollars we don’t have to kill people that are not a threat to us and turn friendship into hatred is better for our long-term wellbeing than investing in our domestic welfare?

Why do you believe that responding to terrorism by reducing the freedom of Americans is anything other than giving the terrorists exactly what they want?