Daily Archives: June 23, 2004

An AdSense Experiment

Dan was telling me a month or two ago that he’s using Google AdSense on his blog. Now that I’m actually doing this regularly, I figured I’d try it out, and while I’m at it, on a few parts of my other sites.

I’m highly curious what sort of ads it will dish up. There isn’t exactly a massive market for products related to developing Russian languages patches for FreeCiv, for instance. Initial results are not all that positive, but we’ll see. It may be a very short-lived experiment :-)

This is presently deployed here on The ChangeLog, on the directory indices on the HTML-to-Gopher gateway on quux.org, and the message pages of the list archives on lists.complete.org.

On the monetary side, running all this costs me about $600 per year. While I would be quite surprised if AdSense brings in that much, maybe it would at least bring in enough to pay for some more disk space for the Gopher server…

I’ll keep you updated.


Found a cool site today: DubyaSpeak.Com. Lost of quotes from the guy that a few million people voted for. I especially like the Dubya Quiz, where you’re presented with several questions. Each question has two options, representing quotes from George W. Bush and Dan Quayle. You have to pick the one from Dubya. It’s tought than you may think — I only got 50% right my first try.

I found it linked to from a site that provides fortune files of Dubyaspeak for your enjoyment.