All posts by John Goerzen

What’s The Deal with Amtrak

First off, Dan Zukowski has some very informative articles about Amtrak. It’s particularly funny listening to Mineta say that the Bush administration wants to support Amtrak. After they proposed $0 for it in their most recent budget proposal, saying that bankrupting Amtrak would be a good thing. Hmm. Doublespeek seems to be in vogue these days.

I’ve watched about half of this week’s 4-hour hearing about Amtrak governance. One very interesting thing about it is that the Amtrak board, which fired David Gunn, may not have had a quorom for months, or even years, including the meeting where they fired Gunn.

Secretary of Transportation Mineta, who holds a seat on the Amtrak Board, appears to have never actually attended an Amtrak Board meeting.

I wonder what will come out next about all this…


Why is it that the media always uses “detained” instead of “arrested”, “jailed”, “tortured”, etc? Jordan isn’t delaying terrorists from reaching their destination… they’re putting them in jail. Let’s call it what it is.

Scanning Slides & 35mm Negatives

It’s recently become apparent that I need to scan a bunch of slides and 35mm negatives into digital form. My church has a bunch of very nice slides from the 60s, my parents and grandparents have quite a few as well, and I have a bunch of 35mm negatives that I’d like to get digital.

It’s also quite obvious that flatbed scanners aren’t going to do the trick for me.

Scanners that start to approach the quality I’m after seem to start at about $1000. Does anybody know of a good scanning service? Or have some other ideas? Ideally, I’d like to scan hundreds of photos, but the $1000 is a bit tough.

I found this service, which looks decent.

He was doing a heck of a job at Amtrak, so he was fired

That’s the title of an editorial in the Austin-American Statesman, which begins:

David Gunn, a noted railroad-turnaround specialist who was making solid progress in putting Amtrak, the national rail-passenger system, on the road to financial stability, was unceremoniously fired last week.

Astonishingly enough, Gunn was canned not for doing a bad job, but for doing a good one. Apparently he thought his assignment was to make a success of Amtrak, while the Bush administration seeks Amtrak’s collapse.

And this is my last post on this topic.

Stop the credit card solicitations

If you’re like me, you get credit card solicitations in the mail almost every day. I really don’t care to have a card other than the one I have. Most of these solicitations arrive because credit bureaus sell lists of customers with specific credit attributes.

I’ve known for awhile that you can call 888-5-OPT-OUT to get the credit bureaus to stop sending you these things. But it’s annoying.

There’s a new feature now: you can go to their website at and opt out there. Well, maybe it’s not new, but it’s new to me anyway.

New console gaming system

Thanks to everyone that responded to my earlier post looking for suggestions for a video game console.

I wound up choosing a Playstation 2, and the game that tipped the balance was Ico. I’ve only spent a few minutes with it, but it looks great. I especially like that it has no on-screen status displays, messages, etc. whatsoever. A refreshing change.

I am a little disappointed with the lack of 16:9 games available on any console.

Also picked up a nice Logitech wireless controller from the local GameStop. Very nice little unit.

Amtrak’s Best President in Years Fired

Yesterday, Amtrak’s board of directors fired Amtrak president David Gunn.

Here’s something unusual about this firing. David Gunn actually was the best thing to happen to Amtrak in years. He improved the physical condition of the railroad’s equipment, raised ridership, cut costs, and even ended this year with a net surplus despite a crippling brake problem on Amtrak’s high-speed Acela equipment that took the entire fleet out of commision for most of the summer.

The Amtrak board knew this too, and even testified to that fact before Congress a few months ago.

The board, though, is made up of Bush appointees. You might remember that Bush’s budget proposal contained a plan to bankrupt Amtrak as a way of “reforming” it. That failed to pass Congress, and David Gunn failed to be incompetant.

So you have the odd case of firing David Gunn for improving things on the railroad.

Yikes. I will be so glad when this administration is gone.