Monthly Archives: April 2005

Women in Computing/Linux

Hanna Wallach wrote recently about the article HOWTO encourage women in Linux. I had read that article some years back, maybe in 2002 when it was first written, but it is interesting to re-visit it. It is a good read, and a thought-provoking piece even if you disagree.

I find myself mostly agreeing. There are some truly appaling examples of sexism there, such as a conference inviting someone to speak on a “wives of hackers” panel instead of give a more technical talk that she was qualified for.

I also wonder how much has changed in the 2-3 years since the document was written. For instance, the “Computing perceived as non-social” section. I know this was the case not long ago, but is it still? With the proliferation of IM software, it seems that it is sometimes becoming the trendy social activity.

In general Linux or Debian lists, there are still people that act disrespectful towards women, just as there are in society at large. I have noticed that when this happens, the other people on the list — especially the men — are far more likely to take action today than they would have been a few years ago. Personally, sexism in either direction offends my sense of treating each human being as a person, and feel it reflects poorly on Debian/Linux/whatever context it’s in. I wonder if women feel that it’s getting better too, or am I just not reading the right lists? (Yes, there have been ugly incidents in Debian, but my point is that the instigators of these incidents were roundly criticized. Granted, this is not where things should be, but it’s an improvement.)

I would like to suggest expanding this howto to be “HOWTO encourage *people* in Linux”. A number of things mentioned there would apply equally well to most men.

I was particularly amused the authors thought that these tips applied specifically to women:

* The article complained about LUGs that have pizza all the time, or meet at 10PM in a warehouse downtown. I’d prefer fruit to pizza too, and would probably avoid the slimy warehouse at 10PM.

* “Try to schedule your meetings at family and school friendly times” — men can have families and kids, too, and we seem to be seeing more of that in the Linux community of late (though they are probably still a minority). Perhaps we also need to explore why there are so few older people in the community and why there are so few “family” types here. CS has been around longer than many people think and there are incredibly talented people in the (very broad) 50-80 range.

Small Town Voting

Yesterday was election day in Kansas, for a lot of local offices, plus a constitutional amendment. Here’s what you can expect if you live in my area:

First, you go to the park shelter house. It’s the only voting place in the area. They don’t bother with “vote here” signs out front because everybody knows where it is already. There was a small “vote here” sign on the front door, one that you could read when you were about 5 feet away.

When you enter, you discover three election workers and, probably, no other voters. Their first question is “city or township?” If you live within the city limits, you get a different ballot than if you live outside due to things like mayor races. I’m a township.

Next, they look up your name on the big printout, and you sign, and receive your ballot. The ballots are printed on paper around here.

Now it’s time to select a voting booth. Not very hard; all four of them are free.

Then comes the tough part: voting. There are two questions on the ballot this time. First, selecting 3 candidates from the 3 that are running for the school board. (I don’t know why that’s on the ballot.) Second, voting yes or no on the constitutional amendment. That’s it. Leave the pencil in the booth, put the ballot in the box, and don’t forget your “I voted” sticker.

Elapsed time: less than 5 minutes.

I think it was getting busy as I was leaving. There was one other voter in the building.