Monthly Archives: March 2003

Why Information Should Be Free: 2003 Version

You just can’t go wrong with an article that starts with Have I ever mentioned that I love Larry Lessig? The SXSW Sunday Afternoon: Lessig article goes on to write: He begins with a sanctimonious quote from Jack Valenti: “Morals, democracy, integrity. All being corrupted by sharing. Sharing has introduced a moral decay.” Lessig, needless to say, disputes the claim. Click above to read the full article from David Weinberger.

Photography at the Edge of Winter

In a reflective mood at the end of winter? Check out Andy Chen’s winter photography over at Kumquat’s Musings. I’m anxious for the high-res scan to plaster on my desktop.

Photography in unusual lighting conditions like this one is more tricky but well worth the effort. I’ve taken a photo or two in those situations, and almost inevitably end up thinking “Wow, I didn’t notice these detail when I was taking the photo.” The realism of photography is also the most deceiving — a scene that is rushed, loud, noisy, and uncomfortable to the photographer can appear peaceful and serene to the viewer. I can usually tell when I have a good photo if I notice things in the proof that I hadn’t seen when I was physically at the scene.

Man Arrested for Wearing Peace T-Shirt

On Monday, a man was arrested in a mall for wearing a shirt reading “Give Peace a Chance.” But the story gets better. Apparently the man bought the shirt at that very mall, and happens to be an attorney that is the charmain of the New York Commission on Judicial Conduct.

In a later update, after a 100-person protest, the mall asked that the charges be withdrawn, but offered no explanation. It is still up in the air whether or not the police will drop the charges.